Workshops and Events

Following our passion, awakening to our potential and taking responsibility for nurturing ourselves into becoming present to what is, in our bodies, our hearts and our dreams.

Jan Jeans will be offering the following in 2024.

More than just Talk: Two workshops for counsellors to explore simple and creative ways to begin to work with the nervous system.

Cost : $75 per workshop : venue to be announced in Lyttelton to book email

A series of workshops for counsellors to explore simple and creative ways to begin to work with the nervous system.

Friday 25 Oct : Healing Potential : The Space Between 9.30-1

Intersubjectivity and relationships in the therapeutic space; Attuning to the client: reading our own body signals; The relationship as a healing tool; how to gently encourage clients to tune into their bodies; Following a gesture and movement to investigate the clients experience; Symbolism and the use of art; Dynamic interaction and meaning making

Friday 22 Nov : Sustainable Support : Self Care 9.30-1

Managing the imprint of this work; Taking care of your own nervous system; Spiritual holding: it’s not just me; Supporting longevity in this work; Self-care manifesto

If you are curious about how to move away from talking and more into the body this will give you ideas and opportunities to practice. You will explore ideas that you can use with clients. The final workshop will provide you with support to nurture yourself and monitor your own well being so you can sustain this important work long term.

Creative dance : Heart Dance

Friday Evenings – Open Floor Dance

Open Floor is a lively meditation dance practice that builds muscular and emotional intelligence.

Friday Flow Venue : Union Chapel, 40 Winchester St 7-8.30

Next sessions: 27 Sept, 25 Oct, 22 Nov, 20 Dec 2024 Cost $15

Open Floor Dance uses the body as a resource to support the expression of heart/mind/spirit through dance. Allow yourself to become fully present to what is. Human beings are born to move. With dance we thrive – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Friday Flow is a place to practice conscious dance in the form of Open Floor. There are no steps to learn and no way to do it wrong. Jan will mix stirring music with clear guidance to inspire wild dances and tender ones, connections between dancers and solo time.Come join the conscious dance community in a safe, held space with other Heart Dancers. You are welcome to stay for tea and bliss balls afterwards.

Art Dance : a monthly workshop on Sunday mornings

Sundays : 10am-12pm Lyttelton Community Church 40 Winchester St Lyttelton ( opp Rec Centre) Cost $20

Spring sessions in 2024 : 15 Sept, 20 Oct, 10 Nov, 8 Dec

Giving birth to our creative power
Trust in the wisdom of your body and the power of your creativity.

Sept 15 : Tending the Garden of your heart

To manifest our dreams and visions we need to clear away the debris and feed the soil. Pruning, sweeping, tending, clearing…..all need to be patiently done to nourish new growth. What needs to be cleared from your life to pave the way for new growth?

This workshop encourages us to connect with Nature through noticing the seasonal shifts and the impact this has on our bodies. We dance and trust the body’s unique wisdom of knowing what we need and what we want to express. Then we create- sometimes using pastels or paints, sometimes with words, sometimes with natural objects and we discover what amazing creative humans we are!
